
Linting Taxi projects

Use linting tools to enforce consistent practices across your teams projects

The taxi compiler has a built-in linter, which can be used to enforce best practices across your team.

The rules can be configured, modifying their severity, or disabling entirely. See Linter config in the taxi.conf documentation for more details.



IdDefault level

This rule enforces that models do not allow the same type to be used for multiple fields.

Reusing a type multiple times on a model leads to ambiguity when querying.

For example:

type Name inherits String
model Person {
   // Not permitted, as it leads to semantic ambiguity
   firstName : Name
   lastName : Name


IdDefault level

This rule encourages the usage of semantic types, rather than base primitives.

For example:

// Don't do this:
model Person {
   name : String

// Do to this:
type FirstName inherits String
model Person {
   name : FirstName
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